Friday, March 27, 2020

Anthony Lewis Gideons Trumpet free essay sample

This paper reviews the book Gideons Trumpet, about a hobo and real-life convict in Florida in the 1960s whose fight for freedom led to a landmark case being heard in the United States Supreme Court. This is a book review of Anthony Lewis book, Gideons Trumpet.` The legal figures and details of this case are presented to the reader, who is taken through all of the different stages in order to understand the process involved this type of legal case. The book gives the reader insight into how legal verdicts are reached, including the process the judge must go through in order to reach a binding decision. It looks at an individuals right to counsel, how the courts can influence the formulation of state and federal laws and serves as a good resource for law students seeking to learn about the legal system in the United States. The book as a highly informational literary work to the ordinary reader sends that reader to a crash course in rules of court and how judges and justices reach verdicts. It tells him how a complaint moves from the first step to the middle and the last, how it is taken up or rejected. And because it talks about a true-to-life case of a convict who petitions the highest Court of the land for his own release and obtains that petition, the book is a call for courage and encouragement in the presence and supremacy of justice even among weak, erratic human beings in robes.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Biology - Human Story essays

Biology - Human Story essays 1) Using appropriate example define what is a species? A species can be defined by particular structural features. Humans are species of primate mammals. They share the characteristics of this group of animals. Species can also be defined as a group of organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile offspring. 2) Give few characteristics that classify humans as Primates: Well-developed brain, well-developed eye sight, eyes forward in the face and stereo-scopic binocular vision, nose is shortened and sense of smell is reduced, thumb is opposable , flat nails (rather then claws), tendency to have single offspring births. Hominids: Brain size relative to body size is bigger than other primates, striding bipedal upright gait (human walk upright in 2 legs) adaptations for bipedalism include the location of the foramen magnum, the shape of the pelvis, the curvature of the spine, a knee that can withstand greater stress, ankles that are modified to support body weight, a foot arch that works as a shock absorber and toes that are shorter than the apes. Mammals: Fur or hair, milk-producing glands, three bones in the middle ear, specialized dentition (teeth), most mammals give birth to live young, four chambered heart. Chordate: Notochord, pharyngeal slits (gill slits), hollow dorsal nerve cord. 3) Outline features that classify human as Hominids: A prominent nose as shown by the raised bone surfaces around the nasal opening and by the bony spine at the centre of the openings base. The bone of the lower jaw is thin and may have a chin. Hominins: Striding bipedal upright gait, adaptation for bipedalism include the location of the foramen magnum, the she of the pelvis, the curvature of the spine. 4) Using one technology advances explain how there is a change in opinions of scientists about classification of primates? ...